

Here at our family farm near Braidwood in NSW we grow black truffle under just 290 oak trees, using organic and biodynamic farming methods.

We work hard to produce beautiful high quality dense truffle using only natural processes, with the soil continually enlivened using biodynamic preparations.

We purposely keep it small scale so we can manage everything ourselves, which allows us to take good care of every bit of the process and also have time to stop, breathe the air and enjoy it all.

It’s not exactly the ancient oak forests of Perigord where wild boar once roamed, but the wombats and echidna here do give the place its own unique atmosphere.

Biodynamic + Organic Truffle


Biodynamics resonates with our values, as it’s regenerative agriculture aimed at enlivening soil and building plant health.

Biodynamics is based on the 1924 lectures of Dr. Rudolf Steiner, a philosopher and scientist, and is an impulse that gives farmers a new way to integrate scientific knowledge with a deeper recognition of spirit in nature. 

It incorporates organic farming methods but also seeks to harness the dynamic rhythms and cycles of earth and cosmos to enrich plant life and the flow on effects of nutrient dense food.

We’ve been using organic gardening methods and learning about biodynamics for many years mostly through growing veggies in Sydney. So it was only natural to expand these practices on our farm and the truffle paddock once we began working with the soil in preparation in 2011.

It’s been a bit of a wild journey since then: green manure crops coming up so fast and thick we could hardly find the baby trees, and wombats deciding to take up residence, creating mysterious and dangerous holes.

However, all the chicory, clovers, lucerne, oats, and hand weeding, plus regular applications of biodynamic sprays and annual tree paste have paid off, creating a rich and abundant, sparkling microcosm under the ground and very good quality truffle. 

our truffiere


  • NASAA Organic and Biodynamic Certification
  • Member of the Australian Truffles Growers Association
  • NSW Food Authority – Food Safety Supervisor Certification
fertile farming

biodynamic agriculture

Organic and biodynamic agriculture are both viable alternatives to conventional agriculture (chemicals), but many people are unaware of the differences between them. As opposed to organics, where a lot of farm fertility inputs are imported, biodynamics is based on a closed system

Biodynamics works because every component, based on scientific understanding, meticulous experiments and extensive field trials, concentrates on building and protecting essential soil life, which in Nature converts organic matter and free soluble elements into stable humus. It feeds plants as Nature intended, through the sun and not through indiscriminate use of soluble fertilizers in the soil water.

The biodynamic preparations are powerful stimulators of biological activity in the soil, and when combined with associated biological agricultural practices, enable farmers and gardeners to produce food of the highest quality with minimal inputs.